IoT Trends of 2020 That Will Reinvent Everything
By Sumana IyengarOn 22 Jan 2020

Have a sneak peek into the IoT trend that is consistently renovating the present to make the future better and more convenient for all.

Top 8 New Technology Trends That Will Reform Businesses in 2020
By Sumana IyengarOn 03 Jan 2020

In this age governed by technology and digitalization, businesses across the world are looking for new ways to utilize technology to reinforce their position in the market. Here are some of the new technologies that are set to change businesses in 2020.

Apache Kafka consume and produce messages using Kafka CLI command
By Mahesh AlayilOn 06 Dec 2019

“kafka-console-producer” and “kafka-console-consumer” command Is used for testing topic message delivery and efficient utility for testing our topic and Apache Kafka environment

Manage Kafka Topics Using Topic CLI command.
By Mahesh AlayilOn 05 Dec 2019

Kafka Topic CLI command to Create and Describe topics. Kafka topic CLI command (kafka-topic) is used for managing Kafka topic. Which providers multiple options (create, describe etc) for topic management.

Understanding Apache Kafka Topics Partitions and Brokers.
By Mahesh AlayilOn 04 Dec 2019

Understand Apache Kafka topics, partitions, brokers and offsets before you start actual CLI usage / application coding

Install Apache Kafka on Windows
By Mahesh AlayilOn 04 Nov 2019

Step-By-Step Installation and Configuration Guide Of Apache Kafka On Windows Operating

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