By Goavega StaffOn 22 Jan 2020

We are currently living in a world that is managed by smart technology. From travel to businesses to shopping, everything is seamless with the help of smart devices. And today one term has made headlines in this space – Internet of Things.

Today, the ‘Internet of Things’ is exploding. Our IoT world is growing at a breathtaking pace, from 2 billion objects in 2006 to a projected 200 billion by 2020. That will be around 26 smart objects for every human being on Earth. That’s quite a large scale. With this prospect, 2020 will see a dynamic shift of technology and all things surrounding it.

Big Data Convergence

To support the demands of large-scale storage and for performing the investigation big data platforms are used significantly to ease out things. This requires the need for IoT to its maximum advantage. This is the new Internet of Things Trends that we are facing and will see in the near future in large-scale mode.

Smart Home Demand Will Rise

Smart homes always have an advantage over the normal homes with smart senses guiding people with simplifying their daily tasks and offering convenience at the touch of a button. But with the help of IoT apps in the future people’s demand to integrate smart technology will rise drastically.

Healthcare Industry Will embrace IoT

Where a retailer is seen taking benefits of the capability of interacting with the customers, wearable devices are being used by the healthcare sectors, and these sectors will face steady but stable development. This will open up a plethora of opportunities in the healthcare sector. Imagine all the medical devices using the Cloud and storing information for a robust intelligent system? This advantage is one Healthcare Industries will look forward to having in the future.

Edge Security Will be Key IoT Adoption

At the edge, IoT devices can incorporate privacy-by-design mechanisms that include the encryption of all data at rest and in motion – and credential protection against even physical intrusion. IoT developers can strengthen their authentication process in the cloud governing device participation and data exchange, and ensure that all traffic between cloud resources and edge devices is fully authenticated and encrypted.

Demand for IoT Solutions will Change Intensify

IoT solutions have demonstrated the legitimate potential to improve the quality and sustainability of human life, whether they’re helping people boost agricultural yields or reduce resource consumption. As the climate change alarm bells get louder, so will grow public expectations for IoT-driven solutions to provide cleaner air and water and better resource efficiency.

As the World Economic Forum points out , however, few IoT-powered green projects have seen large-scale deployment. The reason being sustainability and climate change is at least as much about policy and political will as they are about technology.

You’ll Hear More about Data Science and AI in IoT

IoT growth requires the input of more data from more connected systems. That fact is going to shift the spotlight from the capabilities of the IoT devices themselves to the ever-deeper pools of data they’re creating.

Combing through those pools of data at speed and scale requires heaps of formal discipline—and even more computing power. Data scientists and their AI assistants are going to have as much influence over the next transformative IoT project as the creators of its hardware and software will.

IoT innovation will focus on interoperability

Interoperability doesn’t mean that every single device needs to speak with every other device at all times. There will still be a role for different types of networks: some that prioritize peer-to-peer meshing and others that prioritize centralized control, for example.

But without more attention to interoperability, billions of devices could require field service or replacement before the end of their useful lives.

Finding the right stakeholder organization with which to collaborate on interoperability issues can be a challenge in itself. Trade groups can be moving targets, sometimes for the better, as when the Open Mobile Alliance Spec. Works group absorbed IoT standardization advocates IPSO Alliance, helping unify the important voices in standardization. Interoperability ought to improve as more attention is paid to open APIs, clearly delineated standards, and clearly articulated use cases.

IoT will burgeon as a commuter technology

2020 won’t be the year self-driving cars take over the world. Apparently, the fully-automated driving future isn’t as easy to realize as its boosters have suggested.

On the other hand, 2020 will see IoT play a bigger role in personal transportation of all kinds. Automobile driver assist technology will improve, as it has in every recent model year, and connected sensors will play a bigger role in that development.

Smart street lighting, meanwhile, will make roads safer for pedestrians, with pedestrian and automobile traffic patterns triggering lighting behaviors. Data-driven parking apps, enabled by sensors embedded in light poles, will cut down the time that drivers spend hunting for places to put their cars.

IoT-driven technologies, including navigation and payment solutions, will make life easier for users of public transportation networks. In a world in which sensor tech can frictionlessly track commuters’ movements, running a metro card through a turnstile will start to look more and more like yesterday’s news.

The IoT will also improve routing between multiple modes of transportation. Sure, the trains will run (more consistently) on time—but they’ll also run in such a way as to optimize connections with buses, tramways, and even bicycles.

Goavega is a product engineering, design and technology house that helps clients to design, develop and deploy products and solutions for the connected world. We offer a plethora of services that encompass analytics, UX designs, software engineering services, cloud enablement and more. In addition, we also offer IoT services for enterprises that are looking to transform their businesses and take them to new heights. Contact our experts to know more about our offerings.

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