By Goavega StaffOn 22 October 2019

“Where are you?” “You have been away from your desk for x minutes” “Why did you leave early?”

Though being a consistent top performer in the team, I was frustrated with the above routine questions from my manager in my previous firm (an MNC). I quit my job, when he refused to map me to any other project. I didn’t even think of waiting for another job offer. I just quit, because I had a horrible boss.

“People do not quit jobs. They quit horrible bosses” It is only when the boss trusts you, you can do wonders.

It was by chance, through common friends, I happened to join Goavega, an IT company in the Silicon Valley of India. For a person who wanted to follow her hobby and quit IT completely, joining Goavega was a real blessing. The company has a young bunch of talent. My whole idea about IT changed here. At Goavega, we have Mentors and NOT bosses. Goavega Team guides us at each step, with utmost patience. We have flexible work hours, a casual work atmosphere and a lot of freedom to find our calling.

What do you love about working for Goavega? You could ask. Well, here is my answer.

You get to don a lot of caps. Each employee here has a lot of responsibilities. True, we are hired for our skills, but much more is expected out of us. The workload is sometimes heavy but work outside the job description aids opportunities for learning and growth. We all work together because there is NO middle management. We learn from the best!

There is flexibility not just in terms of work hours, but in the work itself. If interested, and with the right set of skills, you could easily switch roles, which is not so easy in a big organization. Growth potential is extremely high. I personally work on multiple projects simultaneously. This gives me an amazing opportunity to closely watch each phase of a project and learn. I am a Quality Analyst, Business Analyst and Scrum Manager at Goavega. I have the leeway to multitask and I love it!

In big organizations, you get to meet and know clients from a very close corner only if you are in a very high position. It could take years. Here, we talk to clients every single day. It’s a great way to understand the client and their needs. It builds an awesome rapport and makes work more fun.

Not just work, we have lots of fun too. We celebrate birthdays, we play games, we travel and there is a lot of support from the mentors to follow your passion/ hobby alongside work! Mentors create a willingness in us to go beyond normal.

We are a tight knit family; we share pride when the company achieves success. We learn from our mistakes and get back up to fight.

Goavega, go future!

Redefine customer journey and user experiences through Goavega's Cloud solutions-driven digital transformation.