By Goavega StaffOn 26 July 2022

What is cloud adoption?

Cloud adoption ismoving IT assets such as servers, operating systems, databases, and business applications from a traditional in-house setup to a cloud-based data center hosted by cloud service providers. Cloud adoption offers significant advantages, such as cost-effectiveness, scalability, business continuity, seamless access, and user experience across devices.

Ten reasons why businesses should make cloud adoption an IT priority

Business continuity during disruptions

Business discontinuity and downtime are expensive mistakes that organizations can ill-afford. The effectiveness of a business continuity plan is defined by the agility with which organizations can bounce back from disruptions such as the pandemic and continue to work seamlessly without losing information and time. Cloud services are the panacea in such situations because services are provided over the internet and so they offer anytime-anywhere accessibility which a traditional onsite IT infrastructure will not provide.

Future of work demands

Cloud becomes more relevant than ever now in the context of the future of work where remote working and hybrid working will be the norm for a long time to come. And so, being able to access information from anywhere, on any device around the globe is extremely necessary for businesses. This is possible only through cloud adoption.

Seamless scalability

As businesses grow, the amount of data to be managed increases. So will the need for faster processors. But the traditional servers and onsite processors will not have the bandwidth to scale proportionately. Inability to cope slows down the business and scalability also gets restricted. Unlimited data storage and processing are easily taken care of through public or private or hybrid clouds. Cloud computing helps improve speed and brings about operational efficiency.

Cost Savings

In legacy systems, disproportionate investment in servers, and operating systems will result in high costs and make businesses non-competitive, whereas in the cloud there is an unlimited storage option that can be scaled to needs This brings down costs significantly because storage and computing costs will be charged by cloud providers on a pay-as-you-use model.

Data backup

There are several challenges with storing data on an onsite server. First of all, physical space may be limited to accommodate sufficient backup servers. Backing up data in hard drives can prove risky when a sudden malfunction or malware can unexpectedly wipe it out. On the other hand, when data is stored in the cloud it stays protected even if the hardware is damaged or lost. Systems can be configured for automatic backup on cloud servers with unlimited bandwidth. A lot of companies, small or large have adopted cloud storage with most of their workload on the cloud mainly to protect organizations' data and processes.

Disaster recovery.

Multi-cloud storage of critical resources is a strategy that many businesses adopt to ensure guaranteed recovery in the event of a disaster with any one cloud service. This facility is clearly not an option in a traditional setup due to the low bandwidth of backup servers and also space constraints.

Data privacy and security

The concern for cyber-security is on a rise. Cloud storage and backup provide strong solutions in the form of antivirus and firewalls to safeguard against any cyber-attacks. Data in the cloud can be encrypted before storage ensuring data privacy on varied levels.

Faster go-to-market

The more time it takes for companies to bring projects to life, the higher the opportunity for competitors to take over the market. Reducing the time to market gives them a competitive advantage over others. Eliminating time-consuming work processes through automation and DevOps processes makes workflow, faster and highly efficient. Many cloud services have automatic software updates that save up a substantial amount of time on this. This will drastically reduce Go to market time and increase competitiveness.

Customer engagement

Organizations have to keep stakeholder engagements going seamlessly and this is a significant advantage that the cloud offers.The availability of customer interactive resources can be prioritized in a way that in event of a disruption or disaster, customers continue to avail of services and will not be victims of discontinuity. Multi-cloud storage of the critical resources will ensure guaranteed recovery in the event of a disaster with any one cloud service provider.

Collaborative features

Cloud computing also enables interactive services such as email, e-commerce hosting, video conferencing, and data analysis, to name a few. Cloud technology offers flexibility and responsiveness to suit the specific needs of businesses, making businesses empowered and resilient to challenges.

Given the host of advantages that the cloud offers, organizations have now begun to realize the business imperative behind implementing cloud adoption as an IT strategy. In fact, several businesses have already reaped the benefits of implementation. However, cloud adoption has its set of challenges. Goavega’s experienced team has been helping clients with architecting and implementing budget-friendly cloud solutions. To know about what we can do for you, visit and drop your credentials. Our team will reach out to you.

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