By Goavega StaffOn 14 Apr 2020

Let's just face it. In today's highly interconnected world, the way consumer expectations are growing, companies are under great pressure to accelerate their product creation lifecycle and to increase their product innovation speed.

Furthermore, developing complex software in today's competitive market needs not only deep experience in the latest technology but also a strong knowledge and understanding of the business domain.

Indeed, the most important problem facing almost all companies today is the continuous evolution of their product elements.

And this primarily involves reducing the development time for enterprise applications, maximizing performance and improving their overall quality.

In short, due to the increasing demand for appealing user interface & outstanding features the product development services are witnessing a lot of activity.

Indeed, it has now become important to adopt product development services in order to create and deliver contextual products at lower cost, while maintaining customer loyalty and product quality as well.

What is product engineering?

Product Engineering means having the discipline of guiding product development activities to follow a predefined strategy, while taking into account the entire realization-cycle, beginning from the concept to the marketable.

Product Engineering is essentially, in simple words, the process of creating, designing and testing a purposeful program, device or business system.

It provides the extra edge needed for your project to continuously enhance its efficiency, functionality, reliability and lifespan.

How to know when to embrace product engineering approach?

If you want to develop a mobile app, an ERP software solution, or a desktop application, there is no question that the final product has to be of the highest quality and that it has to fulfill the needs of the target customers to succeed.

And the approach to Product Development helps you do just that. For example, let's say you've found a market gap–a challenge that other people face, and you come up with a solution to the software that solves it.

From this point, a prominent development company will assist you in analyzing your product concept from all angles, planning out different ideas with potential results, and helping you choose the best solution for your concept.

What does the product engineering services include?

The services of product engineering include:

  1. Custom enterprise software development

  2. Software integration

  3. Legacy application modernization

  4. Application portfolio consolidation

  5. Creating a flexible software system for business support and elevating main processes, from cooperation with employees to automation.

  6. Improving software structure with well-built microservices and stable integration of APIs and data. Product engineering service may also involve the creation or enhancement of a mobile strategy, with subsequent incorporation of enterprise applications into an IT network.

  7. Modernizing software from the past. This is a very productive service, as obsolete business applications sometimes force workers to spend more time working around constraints. A robust, well-constructed legacy approach can help workers become more efficient and increase their work satisfaction.

  8. Frequent mergers and acquisitions leave a wide range of uncoordinated tech solutions for companies. Product engineering services help companies simplify, integrate, and refactor their enterprise applications as required, shifting traditional systems to new stacks and cloud computing. This streamlines IT processes, minimizes business expenses and increases the productivity of the employees.

Steps involved in product engineering

When you are considering adopting the Product Engineering approach, first acquiring information about all the phases involved in it is of utmost importance for you.

Here are the phases of product engineering process:

# 1 Idea conceptualization

In the first step, the product development team primarily focuses on conceptualizing the idea by developing the documentation that outlines the criteria, objectives and specifications for the project.

Until all is placed into the paper, each project's functionality or objective is further addressed and tested to see whether it can be transformed as desired by the company or not.

# 2 Design creation

The product engineering team will develop concrete designs for your project in the next process, after all the elements are addressed and finalized in the first process.

Additionally, if you want any modifications in the concept, then the design process is all finished here.

# 3 Product development

The product engineering team develops the solution in this phase, using the Agile methodology, based on the designs and requirements finalized during the first two stages.

Every two weeks the team holds daily meetings with the client (that's you!) to demonstrate the code and features created.

# 4 Testing

After the project has been created, the team will check it on stiff circumstances to verify that it meets all expectations. At this point, the customer will take time to perform a thorough check of the entire product to ensure no errors occur.

Although the product development team will certainly test the whole product in and out, so being actively involved in the testing process is also beneficial to double check anything.

# 5 Launch

When you and your product management team are completely pleased with the finished product and completely confident that it will be ready for end-users, you will prepare to market the product.

But don't forget to take reviews and suggestions from users at this stage to understand exactly where the software needs changes in the future updates or new versions.

# 6 Product re-engineering

As just mentioned, you can't just sit back and relax believing that your job is finished once your product is released–because it isn't.

For time to time you have to regularly upgrade your product to ensure it retains the same quality. Plus, you'd still need to re-engineer the product if and when a new technology is available.

Simply put, you need to refuel your product to increase its lifespan and better evolve it to meet the changing demands of today's customers.

Need for product engineering services

When emerging innovations are part of the size and scope of business and consumer applications, product engineering will play an increasingly crucial role, beginning with the design right up to the customer service level. Technology improves the organization and our lives on several levels, and as its position expands, there’s a need for product engineers — committed specialists who ensure that we can depend on software solutions and assign important tasks to the technology that the code supports, whether it's a productivity app and an AI-based algorithm, or a huge blockchain.

Key to any product success – finding the right software development company

Finding the right software development partner is important, as stated at the start. So, note the right IT outsourcing partner will remain agile and propose new business revenue streams.

Moreover, that Is partner always has to have solutions for your niche and has at least five years of experience.

In a nutshell, to identify the right outsourcing partner, look for the following criteria:

  • Industry Expertise

  • Portfolio

  • Track Record

  • Testimonials

  • And overall experience (the more years being in the market, the better


A product engineering company will analyze your idea from all angles, figuring out scenarios for possible outcomes; scratching out what doesn't fit, what works moderately, and what the most successful scenario for your idea, project, or set of operations. Such approach significantly improves code quality and the impact of a solution.

While product engineering hasn’t been utilized by many companies, it goes without saying that it has already proved beneficial to adopt it in terms of improving the overall operations.

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