By Goavega StaffOn 01 September 2016

With so many apps and app stores in the market today, I was wondering what is the real future of the mobile apps. First of all are all these apps searchable in the app store? Will the user get better ROI and engagement by installing these apps? How many apps can we keep installing on our phone? Isn’t it better to have directly access the functionality of the app first before downloading it? In that case, would mobile web makes a lot more sense to have first than the mobile app? For any organization, an evaluation of having mobile app vs mobile web is important. The organization must be clear and understand their goals. The mobile web doesn’t need any downloading and if it is setup up correctly it can detect the users device and auto format the content that is optimal for viewing on that platform. They are app like applications. On the other hand, apps need to be downloaded from specific store based on the device type. They can provide rich functionality using the device features. Prioritizing the platform based on usage patterns in each market is important instead of building the apps in all platform.  Also, if the organization already has a a web application, it is good to use that into the mobile channel. The tools used to manage and control the web application must be used for the mobile channel as well which helps to save budget. With majority of the users engagement is on smartphone, it is good for the organization to have long term mobile strategy and remain competitive. At Goavega, we help organization to evaluate the strategy and build the web or app accordingly. Our goal is to deliver better ROI and engagement with the end users of the applications we build for our customers.

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