By Goavega StaffOn 18 Feb 2020

Cloud computing can be used for almost all types of applications, and not just security for business. While the idea of operating “in the cloud” can sometimes seem hard to grasp, it’s clear that it saves its users money–especially SMBs, including small office/home office (SOHO)-and you’re probably doing business in the cloud already and you don’t even realize it. Scalable hardware means you are paying for everything you use Cloud computing adds scale to natural economies. The practicalities of cloud computing ensure the unavoidable peaks and troughs in workloads are easily used. Instead of using a dedicated server that you own, operate and pay for irrespective of demand, the workloads can share server infrastructure with the computing needs of other organizations. Read on to find out five reasons why switching to the cloud will save you money and make operations better:

Scalable hardware means you pay for what you use Cloud computing adds scale to natural economies. Cloud computing practicalities ensure the unavoidable peaks and troughs in workloads are easily used and smoothed. Rather than using a dedicated server that you own, maintain, and pay for regardless of demand, your workloads will share server infrastructure with other organizations ‘ computing needs. It helps the cloud-computing provider to manage the hardware requirements of their data centres, ensuring you don’t pay for idle resources resulting in lower operating costs.

You’ll save money on energy costs

Cloud computing utilizes less power. This is an inevitable result which comes with scalable computing: Better use of hardware means more efficient use of power for your business. Your computers will not be fully-used when you operate your own data centre (unless yours is a very uncommon organization). Idle servers waste energy, which means a cloud service provider will charge you less for energy used than you do in your own data centre, regardless of the demand. Zero upfront costs

You are looking at upfront capital costs when running your own servers, but in a cloud-based model, financing that capital investment is someone else’s problem. Sure, if you run the servers yourself, the accounting wizards do their magic of amortization which makes it appear that the cost is spread over the life of a server. But that money still has to come from somewhere, so it’s cash that can’t be invested in the company otherwise – whether it’s real money or a line of credit.

Resilience without redundancy If running your own regional data centres and servers you need to buy more equipment in case of failure. Why not allow a cloud computing service to deal with the redundancy requirement, instead? Typical clouds have multiple locations for their data centres, and at least two of them mirror your data and software. That’s a cheaper way to do it, and another way to enjoy the economies of scale in the cloud.

Plus, it’s environmentally friendly (and it also saves you money) Whether they believe in global warming, or not, many organizations would like to do something about it. This is either because their customers want to do business with green firms, or simply because of a genuine desire to emit less CO2, or because other gasses are supposed to warm the planet. You’ll get greener in two ways by switching to the cloud. Second, you’ll be saving energy, which saves you on your operating costs as previously covered. Second, you’ll exploit the work your cloud service provider has done to reduce the carbon footprint of their data centres. Think of it as saving money you could otherwise be spending on carbon offsets. It’s Reality Cloud computing is now a proven, mainstream alternative for both SMBs and SoHo. Moving into the cloud will save you money not only for your security needs in the cloud but for many other forms of workloads in the data centre. The first cybersecurity company to move back to the cloud in 2011 was Webroot. The move has enabled us to deliver extremely lightweight software to our customers that can fend off threats without hogging or slowing you down.

Goavega made its foray into the informative technological space by offering its clients the best solution that combines product and innovation to help our clients excel. With a proven track record in this space, we have helped our clients to reach their true potential. One of our gamuts of services that we offer at Goavega is the cloud. We leverage cloud computing as a tool to help your business have a competitive edge in the long run. To know more about our cloud offerings or for free consultation contact us

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