By Goavega StaffOn 05 August 2021

Digital transformation has taken the world by storm, with the majority of industries transforming their businesses and services leveraging technology. The speed of transformation has been faster than ever before. All thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic! It has accelerated the need to transform legacy systems and use newer digital technologies. But with this increasing need to accelerate development and time to market, businesses need to embrace security if they want to be successful in the longer run. The most prominent concern in the IT industry is data security breaches, having a majority of organizations experienced an IoT security breach. Cyber-attacks can have adverse effects on your businesses, resulting in reputational damage, operational disruptions, and financial losses. Such breaches affect all types of organizations, especially SMEs. We all are aware of data breaches in Facebook, LinkedIn, and Uber. With these increasing incidents, preventing these breaches and enhancing security has become crucial. This is why businesses are turning to DevSecOps: an extension of the concept of DevOps that ensures code quality and reliability assurance. As of now, almost 36% of organizations are using a DevOps or DevSecOps method for software development, and it is only going to rise with time.

DevSecOps: Overview and Transformation DevSecOps is a transformational shift that helps you incorporate secure culture, practices, and tools required to drive visibility, collaboration, and agility of security into each phase of the DevOps pipeline. In 2018, the DevSecOps market size stood at $1.5 billion, which is expected to hit $5.9 billion by the end of 2023, growing at a CAGR of 31.2%. In the current scenario, the previous approach, where we used to assign security to a specific team to reserve it for the final stage of development, is of no use. DevOps can help you ensure continuous and frequent development cycles with DevSecOps enabling us to strive for “Security by default” via integration of security using tools, creating security as Code Culture, and promoting Cross Skilling. For this, you need: 1. Governance: To establish security guidelines and monitor results. The same can be achieved by using security services that are business-aligned, agile, and risk based. 2. People: Make sure that you build teams based on business priorities and offer them training on the security know-how. Don’t forget to focus on solutions while working together to achieve effective collaboration. 3. Technology: Technology helps you strengthen your security while incorporating security into DevOps. It also helps you automate the recurring security tasks and harden the development pipeline. 4. Process: Involve security from the initial stage with automated security controls wherever possible, and fix all the issues based on priority while simplifying the DevSecOps feedback process.

DevSecOps: Need and Benefits DevSecOps is an ideal tool to enhance security and minimize risks during the DevOps process. Here is why you should incorporate DevSecOps: • Continuous Security DevSecOps brings continuous and enhanced security through the ‘secure by design’ principle, making use of automated security review of code along with automated application security testing. • Accelerated Delivery and Recovery You can increase the speed, quality, and efficiency of secure code delivery by embedding security into the early stages of the DevOps workflow. And when there is a security incident, it allows faster detection and remediation since security testing is part of the release pipeline. • Reduced Costs Introducing secure coding best practices and security testing at the early stages of SDLC helps you reduce the complexities and the cost. You can reduce the risk of security issues by failing fast with security testing, which will eventually reduce the cost of recovery and rework. • Increased Efficiency and Product Quality Ensuring continuous security assists you in detecting security issues that can be remediated during development phases. In the end, it results in increased speed of delivery and enhanced quality. • Enhanced Compliance Security auditing, monitoring, and notification systems are automated and continuously monitored in DevSecOps, ensuring enhanced compliance. • Effective Collaboration DevSecOps fosters a culture of openness and transparency right from the earliest stages of development since it integrates development, security, and operations. It helps you improve collaboration between the people involved while yielding better results. • Improved Business Value Improved security makes sure that only a better product reaches the market, quickly. A better product leads to happier customers, improved user experience, and strengthens your ability to compete in the market, improving your business performance and value.

Steps to Integrating Security into DevOps With DevOps, 60% of developers are now releasing code two times faster than before, further explaining the needs and benefits of DevOps. Here is what you should do to integrate security into DevOps: 1. Tightly integrate all the security tools and processes throughout the DevOps pipeline. 2. Then, automate core security tasks by embedding security controls early in the SDLC. 3. Now, you need to enable continuous monitoring and remediation of security defects across the application lifecycle, which includes development and maintenance. 4. At last, make sure that there is better collaboration between Agile Development and Security Teams.

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